Everything can be changed and should remain so!
Change begins with an idea and the decision to act!
A hostel, café and pub as a self-managed work project, with which we want to explore practical ways that refute the delusion that capitalism is inevitable – 300 years is more than enough!
Without the neoliberal logic of profit maximization and constant growth, offers for users can be designed cheaply without sacrificing attractiveness and beauty. Nevertheless, we want to be able to make a living from this work. With a reasonable salary, the same for all jobs. All surpluses are passed on to other collectives, projects or initiatives with similar political aspirations or lead to price reductions.
The people working in the collective decide at all levels and on all matters together and with equal rights in consensus – without a boss!
A place that enchants and makes some irrationality possible.
Fill the journey with life – take life as a journey.
The collective schickSAAL*