Joseph Disco
Joseph Disco has already, established himself as a well known and respected dj and producer, on the German technoscene.He has played countless gigs in and out of Germany on clubs like: Kater Blau , Sisyphos, Wilde Renate, Rummelsbucht,Südpol, Odonien, Artheater, Club Charlotte and Hive in Zurich.He has played Rave on Snow and the Berlin Loveparade, Fusion Festival, Bucht der Träumer Festival, MoynMoynFestival , Klangtherapy Festival, Off the Radar , Grüne Sonne and many more.When behind the decks Joseph DJ’s like he has never done anything else..Joseph Disco started his musical path with techno as a resident dj in Cologne’s legendary club: “Playground” during thisperiod he found his way in to producing music himself. Shortly after returning to his native Munich in 2005, he releasedhis first project on the label: Great Stuff Recordings, and later on labels like Stil vor Talent and Platform B, both as ansolo artist and with different projects.At the moment Joseph is focused on producing, and also doing some serious work with another great talent, DanielJaeger at his studio in Berlin. They have already shown to be, a very good match when it comes to producing someserious sound.In 2019 you will see confirmed releases from Joseph on labels such as: Heinz, Criminal Baseline, Alula Tunes,Vagabond and many more.